Sunday, June 10, 2012

i have never just heard words,
i feel them;
when i was told with subtle whispers that
my body was not strong enough,
i lifted mountains;
my heart not full enough-
i filled it with love;
i have yet to meet one who protects themselves
with an armor of petals,
enlightened by words of young men
with hearts of old,
crying fables,
two-thousand years long
of nothing more than the night they realized
art was nothing more than a way
to become rich ($) -
to become modern day warriors
who lose internal battles
with themselves
about what has been done to improve the day before
(or the current)
this is the day of the maniacs,
naturally born to conquers worlds that have already been conquered;
the beautiful youth dies,
because it is not meant for this world-
only a world of the strong willed,
young men with potential never reach said potential,
because of doubts,
that should have never been spoken